Natalya-Aurora Kim

In 2012, she began attending classes in ceramics.


In 2014 she received her Master’s degree in art at the Kazakh State Pedagogical University named after Abay.

Lives and works in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Participant of collective exhibitions and projects in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and abroad:

Installation “iBlocks.iBlocks.Almamyz. Urban Environment in Ceramics “, Kazarian Art Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan. The author of the idea, the curator of the project.

“Lady’s whims”, collective exhibition of the workshop Elena Grigorian, Clay House Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan. The author of the idea.


“Consonance”, collective exhibition of the workshop of Elena Grigorian, Clay House Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan.


Participation in the International ceramic project “Parallels of Travels” – “Viaggi Paralleli”, installation of the “Thanksgiving Bowl”, Lanciano, Abruzzo, Italy and Kazarian Art Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Арт От Natalya-Aurora Kim

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